Covid Fogging Service

Deep Touch Point Cleaning and Fogging Services.
During the ongoing Corona virus outbreak, disinfection is one of the most important measures for keeping your home, business or place of work safe from infectious airborne pathogens. Corona virus and other pathogens can survive on many different surfaces from a few hours to more than a few days. This gives the virus ample time to spread through touch contact from one person to another infecting and spreading the virus to more people in an endless cycle.
Thanet Handyman Services uses ULV disinfection fogging technology and manual disinfection on all major touch points throughout your home, office or place of work. Our technicians are fully equipped with all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) allowing us to disinfect and to work safely and effectively within your work or home environment. Cleaning and disinfecting areas on regularly touched objects play an essential role in protecting your staff, visitors and yourself from COVID-19.
Fogging sanitation is one of the fastest ways to ensure a blanket removal of harmful bacteria – including COVID-19. Our fogging solution has been proven to kill 99.999% of all known bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is mandatory that any person infected with Covid 19 should self isolate, and as a precautionary measure it is also recommended that your premises be deep cleaned to ensure that the potential spread of any virus is kept to a minimum. Our specialist disinfection fogging & touch point cleaning service will help you maintain this high level of hygiene throughout your premises.
Many other disinfectants such as chlorine and alcohol will clean surfaces effectively but these solutions quickly evaporate and leave surfaces immediately exposed to repopulation by pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Our fogging solution is a highly advanced, complex, polymeric biocide in an aqueous solution, It provides effective disinfection and sanitisation of multi- surfaces. It quickly eliminates up to 99.999% (log 5) of viruses and bacteria including all know corona virus (at point of writing). The active ingredients are bound within a polymeric scaffold that will form a bond with treated surfaces to leave an active biocidal layer. This layer can provide ongoing bacterial and viral protection for treated surfaces through biofilm disruption for up to 30 days*.
It is important that you leave a minimum of 2 hours after fogging is completed before entry into any room or building that has been recently disinfected.
The specially designed disinfectant that we use complies with EN14476 against enveloped viruses for Coronavirus (e.g. SARS, MERS, COV-19), Poxviridae, Herpesviridae, Filoviridae (e.g. Ebola, Marburg), Flavivirus, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV), Influenza Virus, Paramyxoviridae, Rubella Virus, Measles Virus, Rabies Virus, HIV, Human T Cell LeukemiaVirus (HTLV), Hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is also highly effective on the following.
E coli
Staphylococcus aureus and E hirae
Salmonella typhimurium
Staphylococcus aureus
Listeria monocytogenes
Campylobacter jejuni
B cinerea
F oxysporum
Bed Bugs & Mites
* Our Fogging and touch point solutions provides a temporary active polymer coating that can be abraded or washed away limiting the longevity of protection. Reapply frequently to high traffic/wear/touch areas. Areas that have been washed or cleaned should also be retreated.
Why use our service over others
Quickly kill All CORONAVIRUS including Sars-Cov-2 (cause of Covid-19 disease)
Achieve quick and effective sterilisation to log 5 – 99.999%
Leave hard surfaces actively resistant to bacteria and viruses for up to 30 days*
Are easily applied and safe to use even in food preparation areas
Outperform alcohol based sanitisers
Free of alcohol, bleach and SLS
Effective against bedbugs and mites
Practically odourless
Non Irritating
Non flammable
Non Hazardous
Compatible with all hard surfaces, including plastics and coatings
Compatible with many soft surfaces including fabrics and floor coverings
Cost of fogging and deep clean on touch points for residential properties or holiday rentals
£140.00 fogging only £160 for fogging and touch point clean on a standard 3 bed house or bungalow.
Our terms & conditions
Our fogging and cleaning services comes with no warranty or guarantee of re-infection as this is outside of our control. We will always come to your property to access your needs and talk with you about our procedures, we will advise you on what equipment need to be removed or covered as not to cause damage from our fogging service. Neither Thanet Covid Deep Clean or any of its employees will be held responsible for any such damages if the customer hasn’t’ removed or covered said items. By using our service you acknowledge that you have both read, fully understand and agree in totality with the outlined disclaimer written. If you in anyway disagree with the above disclaimer please refrain from using our services.